Dachaigh> Blog> Jayco AlUla explain Caleb Ewan ‘lacking a bit of top-end speed’ in Giro d’Italia sprints

Jayco AlUla explain Caleb Ewan ‘lacking a bit of top-end speed’ in Giro d’Italia sprints

May 24, 2024

Caleb Ewan again struggled to fight for victory in the Padova sprint, with his Jayco-AlUla team admitting that a number of factors have worked against the Australian in the Giro d’Italia.

Ewan is neither sick nor out of form but is lacking the speed needed to be competitive in the high-speed Giro sprints. He also does not have the dedicated lead-out train of the quality and quantity that is helping Tim Merlier (Soudal-QuickStep) and Jonathan Milan (Lidl-Trek) to win sprints.

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